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Livestream Group
Interactive livestream webinars combining real-time coaching from expert nutritionist with added community support. For woman you is looking to lose weight and build up a healthy and well balanced diet for good.
Available worldwide
100 % online webinar
Interactif 1-hour livestream group webinar each week hosted by a nutritionist
12 weeks duration
In-depth programme tailored to your energy needs and weight goal
Weekly weight analysis, but don't worry you don't have to share your weight with the group
Reassessment of your needs as your body changes after 6 weeks
Online chat forum to motivate and to share tips, recipes and share your success within the group
Behavioral coaching to shape positive change
Tailoring included vegetarian programme option
A maximum of 10 people in each group
Woman only
Available worldwide
Group online programmes have been clinically proven to be more effective than individual online programmes. The interactive experience enhances accountability, boosts motivation and provides the tools you need to overcome your individual challenges. The results from the Livestream programme are exceptional.
90% of programme compellers achieve significant weight loss
Live an amazing experience with this life changing programme
Don't worry you don't have to share your weight with the group
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